Create. Articulate. Recalibrate.


What is your vision?

Don’t just read that question and truck on through this post. Answer it. Write it down.

What is your ministry’s vision?

Almost any church you go to or work for is going to have a vision statement. Many of the churches we’ve attended even have that vision statement plastered on the wall.

We read it. We memorize it. We become numb to it.

Our vision becomes a nice statement that we say to make ourselves feel like we have purpose. And don’t get me wrong. This is great. That’s why we have vision statements, but the real question is, how do we accomplish our vision?

Again, don’t just read that. Answer it. Write it down.

Can you articulate your strategy for accomplishing your vision?

We’ve visited over 30 churches this summer, and when talking with incredibly successful ministries, they can tell us very intentional steps they are taking. They can articulate their vision and what they’re doing to accomplish it. And I can tell that they are forced to constantly communicate their vision and strategy.

When you articulate your vision, you’re forced to self-evaluate.

Think about even in your personal life. When you sit down with someone and share what you believe in, you’re forced to look at your own life. You have to ask yourself, “Do I actually live this out?”

If you’re truly passionate about your vision, you should base all of your ministry decisions on whether or not they will help you accomplish that vision. And if you’re sharing that vision with people, it will force you to consider if your ministry is making decisions to enforce your vision.

At the end of the day, share your vision as often as you can. And then recalibrate your strategy to see if you’re truly living out your vision.

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